About Me

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I love a lot. I wait a lot. I try to find a lot to laugh at. I don't usually have trouble with that. I pray a lot. I'm not always sure who or what I pray to, but I firmly believe that prayer makes a difference. I try not to panic very often. I try to learn something new every day. I spend a lot of time poking my nose into other peoples' bidness via their blogs. I clean up an awful lot of feathers. You can dress me up, but you can't really take me out. I travel a lot when I can find bird sitters and we take them with us when I can't. I drink, prolly to excess, but I rarely get sick because my body is a hostile environment to germs (or maybe no SELF RESPECTING germ would LIVE in my body?) I collect: gnomes, passport stamps, MONEY-preferably US dollars or Euros, red headed womyn and chicks named Stephanie. My Momma taught me many many years ago that girls don't fart, they foosie. She taught me lots of other chit too. Thanks for stopping by-leave me a comment and let me know you were here, feel free to link to me, or email me at jacquelynn.fortner@gmail.com

Monday, January 19, 2009

Crack That Whip!

How I can manage to write anything on this dusty computer is beyond me, but since Dar is standing over me threatening to disown me if I don't post something, I fingered I would at least let ya'll know I'm alive.

I DO plan on posting more about our trip, and I've NOT decided to quit blogging.  I think I just tripped over a bump in the road to Blogsville.  I was traveling along my merry way, minding my own business, when the Unit Innocent Bystander came home last month and threw a verbal monkey wrench into my inner workings.  He had read a certain post in which I explained my aversion to orange extension cords and he expressed concern about my mental health, in a "Are you out of your fucking mind???" kinda way, which seems to have thrown me off kilter.  For some reason, I just don't want to write in front of him now.  If I sit down at my computer with him there, I feel like I'm sitting there nekkid as a jaybird now, with all my soft parts exposed for him to mock.  Kinda takes the wind out of my sails.  I don't like feeling vulnerable.

But, like I said-I do plan on getting back to my daily routine of birds, breakfast and blogging. I miss the feeling of accomplishment I get when I hit that publish post button, and the time I spend giggling over silly pictures as I search for a little something extra to throw in for your bloggy dessert.  And I miss looking forward to your comments-they are the icing on my bloggy cake.  I have come to terms with the fact that the IB will never be able to rely on my blog as a means of early retirement, but it still is important to ME, so I'm not going to let his ridiculing me shame me into giving up writing.  Just sayin'.



darsden said...

swoop crack pop - write that damn post biotch I said NOW!
Can't wait for the future posting and more on the trip. The pictures I saw were Awesome! :-)
Thank IB for letting us have a girlie night.

♥ Braja said...



You two. Impossible.

MommaSuds said...

There is an award for you on my blog.

I have been in a blogging stump too. Since my soldier came home for R&R and left again I haven't felt much like blogging.

Have a good Monday!

Mama Dawg said...

Whew, thanks. Glad you're not quittin!

Pseudo said...

Chiming in, glad you're not quitting. Just found you and I want to hear about your trip.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you cant leave us hanging like that! I am not blogging because I suck, but I NEED you!

Enjoy your IB time!

bernthis said...

I think we have all been there and I'm glad you decided to hang around and write.

I often have to remind myself, that I do this for me, period and oh yes, that feeling of hitting the publish button is amazing

derfina said...

Dar-I can't believe we got TWO girl nights this hitch! Thanks for everything.

Braja-I know. I need to get my chit together.

SgtSuds-You are TOO kind!

Mama Dawg-I'm not a quitter, just a procrastinator when the Unit is home!

Pseudonymous High School Teacher-I am gathering my thoughts as I write this!

Dana-You do NOT suck! You can't convince me that I attract SUCKERS. Well, not THAT kind, anyway.

Bernthis-Yeah, I sure can't say I'm doing it for the money, as that is nonexistant!

*smooches* to all!

La Belette Rouge said...

I know that whenever I take blogging breaks I have a hard time getting back in it. I just took the weekend off and I had 400 blog posts to read to catch up.That said, get back!! You are missed!

julz said...

I'd thank Dar for cracking her whip, but it might be construed as reward for bad behavior...and we nevah, NEVAH reward bed behavior. Glad to see you back

Vodka Mom said...

Whew. We were about to send out a search party. Someone call Braja and tell her to put the dogs away- we won't be needing them.

Anonymous said...

Hey, ummmmm...would you return already?

♥ Braja said...

Derfina honey, I'm lost without you....

Anonymous said...

Nekkid blogging. You may be on to something . . .

Michelle Flaherty said...

You better not stop blogging!

Do what I've done numerous times. Blog offline and change the URL to your blog. That should take care of things! ;)

Khaye said...

Don't quit! You have much to share. I am reading you!

Christine Gram said...

I feel the same way about my husband reading my blog... I don't like him hovering. Just let me be myself DAMMIT! Also the same reason I'm reluctant to let people I know about it, because even if I don't mind them reading, I'm afraid they'll pass it on to all our other judgmental friends and relatives. I just don't want to deal with that BS.

I guess I've decided that it's important enough to have some people in on it that I'm willing to deal with whatever attitude comes out of it.

Hey! And maybe this will help you! I've given you an award.

smoothes back at you!